Florida Playgrounds  Call 561 354-4899


Touch the sky with Playland's wide range of swing sets!

Children and many adults often enjoy the swinging experience more than any other. There is nothing like flying through the sky on a spring, summer, autumn, or even winter day on an outdoor playground swing set. 

You will find the perfect commercial swing set you need for your space with Playland's exciting range of products. We have full bracket seats for toddlers , half bucket seats for preschoolers, and belted seats for children ages 5-12. These are tough, all-season swings, available in a variety of colors to match your playground color scheme. Available with galvanized ar easy-on-the-hands plastisol-coated chains, you can also add color and comfort to every swing event! Our child-friendly hardware promotes safety and visual interest, and our swing sets also have the option of canopy shades for added protection from the sun. 

Whether you require a bi-pod, tri-pod, single post, or arched frame, our swings will provide strength, structural integrity, and hours of enjoyment for years to come!

All of Playland's product is manufactured here in the USA and is IPEMA and ASTM Certified.

For more information or for an estimate call 800-715-7617 or use our Contact Form.

Click Here to view our catalog. 
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